How to Study the Bible (Part 3)

A number of weeks ago we began a 3 part series on how to study the Bible. Here is the third and final installment of that series where we consider APPLICATION: So…How Should I Respond to What I Have Just Studied?

So at this point you have read…and reread your passage…you have observed the text and you have asked several critical questions. You have also carefully considered the context. You have asked the question…What did the passage mean for the original audience?

Now…the next step in your Bible study is APPLICATIONwhat does it mean for me and how should I respond? This, of course is the ultimate goal of all personal Bible Study. Don’t stop before you get to this point.

The Bible is very clear about the importance of moving from understanding to practical obedience (James 1:22; John 13:17; Matthew 7:24-27; 2 Timothy 3:16-17).  
Helpful questions to think about at this stage include:

~ What is something I have I learned about God…maybe about His character, His plan, His priorities, His praises, His desires, His ways?

~ What is something I have learned about myself? Or maybe about my next door neighbour? Or about the world around me?

~ What do I learn about man’s “fallen (sinful) condition” in this passage?  (i.e., Is there human sin or brokenness evident?)

 ~ How is God’s plan of redemption evident in this passage? (i.e. grace? mercy? long suffering)

~ What do I need to repent of/change in either my thinking or my living…based on what I’ve learned?

~ How should I be pray in light of this passage?

~ Is there an encouragement or promise here that I need to meditate on?

~ What implications does this passage have for the way I engage my unbelieving friends?

~ How does this passage apply to my brothers and sisters in Christ?

~ How does it speak to our life together as a church?

So in summary of these three sections:

What does this Scripture passage say? That’s OBSERVATION.

What does this Scripture mean? That’s INTERPRETATION.

How should I (or we) respond? That’s APPLICATION.

Make no mistake…studying the Bible requires effort, but the dividends from your effort will be priceless. My hope is that as you put these principles in to practice the Bible will come alive as never before as you gain a deeper understanding of God’s words. No other habit can transform your life and make you more like Jesus than to study and act upon the Scriptures.

[This article was first published in Doing Life Together@Fellowship January 16, 2020]

1 thought on “How to Study the Bible (Part 3)

  1. Vicky Heckendorn

    Thankyou for this opportunity to read the Word and be guided by a great man of faith.
    As always
    Vicky Heckendorn


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